Paper Models

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SphericalSemiRegularSolids.JPG CloseUp.JPG CloseImage.JPG
13 Spherical Semi Regular Solids Close Image - 13 Spherical Semi Regular Solids Close Image - 13 Spherical Semi Regular Solids
CloseUPSnubDodecahed.JPG Components3radius.JPG Cuboctahedron.JPG
Close up - Snub Dodecahedron Components 3 radius Cuboctahedron
FivePlutonicSolids.JPG Icosidodecahedron.JPG Icosisodecahedron.JPG
Five Plutonic Solids Icosidodecahedron Icosisodecahedron
Rhombicosododecahedron.JPG Rhombicuboctahedron.JPG Rhombitruncuboctahed.JPG
Rhombicosododecahedron Rhombicuboctahedron Rhombitruncated Cuboctahedron
ScaleSoccerBall.JPG ShowScaleSnubDodecahedron.JPG SnubCube.JPG
Scale Soccer Ball Show Scale Snub Dodecahedron Snub Cube
SnubDocecahedron.JPG SphericalCuboctahedron.JPG SphericalSnubCube.JPG
Snub Docecahedron Spherical Cuboctahedron Spherical Snub Cube
SphTruncOctahedron.JPG SphRhobitrunIcosidodecahe.JPG SphRhombicuboctahedr.JPG
Spherical Truncated Octahedron Spherical Rhombitruncated Icosidodecahedron Spherical Rhombicuboctahedron
SphRombitrunIcosidodecahed.JPG SphTrunDodecahed.JPG TrincatedTetrahedron.JPG
Spherical Rombitruncated Icosidodecahedron 3 radius Spherical Truncated Dodecahedron Trincated Tetrahedron
Truncated Icosahedron.JPG Truncated Octahedron.JPG Truncated Tetrahedron.JPG
Truncated Icosahedron Truncated Octahedron Truncated Tetrahedron
TruncatedCube.JPG TruncatedCuboctahedron.JPG TruncatedDodecahedron.JPG
Truncated Cuboctahedron Truncated Cuboctahedron Truncated Dodecahedron
TruncatedHexahedron.JPG TruncIcosahedronsoccer.JPG DSC_0991.jpg
Truncated Hexahedron Truncated Icosahedron (soccer ball) A Paper Rhombicosidodecahedron-made from Design by Mangus Wenninger.
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A 9-Frequency Geodesic Dome. Made from Paper.. Otter Dome has a diameter of 18” A- 9-Frequency Geodesic Dome. Made from Paper. Note there is one inside the other. Otter Dome has a diameter of 18”. The Outside Diameter of the Inside Dome exactly matches the inside Diameter of the Outside Dome. Close up of 9-Frequency Geodesic Dome. Note there is one inside the other.
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Paper Parts for a 9-Frequency Geodesic Dome. Paper Parts for a 9-Frequency Geodesic Dome. Notice the arc bands. These fold to form Spherical Triangles. How the arc bands fold to form a Spherical Triangle
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Assembled Pentagonal Segment for a 9-Frequency Geodesic Dome. It takes 12 of these plus an additional 80 Triangular sections for make a 9-Frequency Dome Two Triangular Sections being glued to a Pentagonal Section of a 9-Frequency Arc band for the 1/5 of a Pentagonal Section of a Rhombicosidodecahedron. Notice I combine the left and right halves into one piece.