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My Shop. Not pretty but functional. My Shop. Not pretty but functional. My Shop. Not pretty but functional.
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My Shop. Not pretty but functional. My Shop. Not pretty but functional. Jig for Cutting the Pentagonal Shapes of a “Spherical Rhombicsidodecahedron”. Notice the Incra MITRE gauge. This is simply the best MITRE Gauge on the market. Bar none.
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Close up of the Jig for Cutting the Pentagonal Shapes of a “Spherical Rhombicsidodecahedron”. My Saw Stop table saw. This is a 5-hp Saw-Stop. It is not only the drop dead Safest Saw made it is also the best made table saw available to a home hobbyist. These are Set-up blocks I had made to build wooden Spherical Polyhedra. These are all the set up blocks you need to build the 13-Semi-regular Archimedean solids. They were made on a CNC Milling machine and are accurate to a Human Hair in 5 feet.
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This is a Home built Jig made from a Co-Matic Power feed arm used to power feed material into a saw. I built the undercarriage from a piece of _” steel plate. The Plate bolt to the Lathe and pivots on centered bushing. Close up of a Home built Jig made from a Co-Matic Power feed arm used to power feed material into a saw. I built the undercarriage from a piece of _” steel plate. The Plate bolt to the Lathe and pivots on centered bushing.